Monday, 25 July 2011

Enable Netbios Names

Profile synchronisation in SharePoint 2010 can be a pain. One of the more complex things to do is enable netbios names. This needs to be done to enable line manager names and user names to be resolved correctly.
This must be done using the SharePoint management shell. I dont know why there is not a simple tickbox for this :o(
Here are the steps:
$var = Get-SPServiceApplication –Identity "paste guid of application here"
$var.NetBiosDomainNamesEnabled = “True”
Type them one at a time with a return after each one. Paste the GUID obtained from the first command into line two.
After completing the above you MUST delete the AD connection, create a new one and then do a full sync.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Case conversion in SharePoint workflows

Strangely there are no options when using SPD to convert case even though you can convert case easily using a calculated column in your list or library.

There is a workaround that you can use.

First create a list with a calculated column to hold the result of converting a column to upper or lower case. Use =UPPER(Title) or =LOWER(Title) depending on your preference.

Then use the list in any workflow that you need to do a case conversion. Here is a screen of a workflow that does just that. In this example I am setting both upper and lowercase from the same list, i.e. I have two calculated fields in my case conversion list.

You will notice that after creating the list item in the case conversion list, that I immediately make a copy of it. This is because the calculated field event will not fire until something is done to force it. In this case we use the copy item option.

Note that it is the new copy of the item that has the converted data in it not the first item so you must remember to use this to retrieve the data. Hence the use of ‘plus 1’ in the workflow.

The last two lines just delete the two list items that the workflow created to perform the conversion. This is not required but it is just good practice to tidy after yourself.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Hide Quick Launch SharePoint 2010

The easiest way is to add a CEWP to the page then add this HTML.

< style type="text/css">
body #s4-leftpanel {
.s4-ca {